4 June 2012

Pioneer Days Supper 2011
Photo: Marc Jackson
(Click to Enlarge)
This annual newsletter is designed to keep residents of Herb Lake Landing MB up-to-date with the happenings in our community. Many residents join us for the summer months and maintain permanent homes elsewhere, so it is important that we stay connected. We are scattered from Ontario to British Columbia, with Fred Bridgeman in South America being the furthest away. We are a diverse collection of people of different age groups. Some of us are descendents from the early pioneers of Herb Lake and some live here because of the wilderness aspects of our area. Many are retired or will retire in the next few years. Although we are a small community we have made remarkable achievements, thanks to our volunteers.
We live in the shadow of limestone cliffs, a remnant of Lake Agassiz which once covered most of the province. Wekusko Lake, provides recreation and great scenery. We are truly a unique community.
Warm-Up Building, Children’s Winter Skating - We were approved for a grant through Community Places Funding to build an 8x10 warm-up shelter for the outdoor skating rink on the lake by the boat launch. The building was constructed with volunteer labor. Thanks to Glenn Martel for the rubber matting for the floor.
Overhead Light for Skating - Don Hiebert supplied a pole for a light and Manitoba Hydro’s Kids’ Sports (KSPF) program provided funding for the electrical supplies. Cory Lobart, from Hydro at Snow Lake volunteered his time to do the installation and to connect the power, which was much appreciated. This light makes it possible for children to skate in the evenings as it is dark when they come home from school. It will be turned off in April each year.
Craft Workroom – The warm-up shelter used by skaters in the winter months will be moved near the community hall in summer and be utilized as a craft room.
Cook House Shelter – A grant from Hometown Manitoba was approved for a cook house shelter at the Gathering Place. The existing fire pit was demolished, then the ground was filled and levelled, and the cookhouse erected by the gazebo. The grant covered the cost of materials and volunteer labor was used to build the shelter.
Memorial Cairn – The original memorial cairn by the lakeshore, built a number of years ago, was made of rocks cemented together and was erected to honor the memory of Ernest Corman who died in an airplane crash in 1977. Over the years other people`s names were added as people wished to remember their loved ones from the area. Since we now have a gathering place, it was suggested that the cairn be moved to that location. Unfortunately it was not possible to move the original cairn, so a large limestone rock was erected at the Gathering Place and the plaques with the names of the deceased transferred to it.
Canada Day - A memorial service attended by 23 people was held at the Gathering Place on July 2nd to celebrate Canada Day and to dedicate the new cairn. McDougalls donated a wreath which Freda Hiebert laid in remembrance of the people whose names are on the cairn. An RCMP officer attended and Alan McDougall read the names on the plaque, which brought back memories for many of the residents. Coffee was served after the ceremony.
Pioneer Days 2011 – On the August long weekend our community celebrated its 94th anniversary. Saturday events included a pancake and sausage breakfast, horseshoe tournament, scavenger hunt and a geo-cache search. A wiener roast was held with an anniversary cake. The highlight was again the Courage Trail which is a mile walk through thick bush in the dark with a string as a guide. Two people go together on the trail.
Sunday started with a pancake and sausage breakfast, followed by canoe racing and the continuation of the horseshoe tournament and scavenger hunt. On Sunday evening a potluck dinner was held. Dawn Roberts, the emcee, led the group with pioneer stories and the teams produced the results of the scavenger hunt. Approximately 100 people attended the potluck.
Thanks to Dawn Roberts and others for the breakfast supplies and to Jim and Maureen Malcomb for the propane portable stove. Thanks to Brian and Cindy Shapka for the donation of a portable toilet. Thanks also to the numerous people who contributed food, paper plates, and other items that made this event so successful.
Barrie’s Beach – The section of beach where Barrie and Norma Taylor lived is known as Barrie`s Beach. The community decided to make this beach more accessible for children and the McDougalls did the cleanup. They removed saplings and weeds and hauled away the debris. This cleanup is much appreciated as it provides a place for children to swim who live in this area. A sign was erected with Barrie`s picture.
Beach Cleanup – The McDougalls maintain the extensive beach area in front of their place. Our community is on the south shores of the lake and the predominant wind is from the north which blows a lot of debris to our shores. Special thanks to McDougalls for the work they do to keep our beaches clear.
Floating Dock - A grant from Community Places provided the funding for the materials to build a floating dock which was built with volunteer labor. Greg and Candyce Carswell provided one of the two ladders. The dock is now anchored by Barrie`s Beach and provides summer recreation for children and is well utilized.
Ted Taylor and Snowball’s Trail – The original trail up the limestone cliffs was marked out by Ted Taylor, who was always accompanied by his dog Snowball. A sign was erected at the base of this trail with their pictures.
Sunflower Growing Contest – The senior ladies started an annual growing contest in 2010 to encourage gardening. Each participant receives identical seeds. The first year the contest was for celery and in 2011 the contest was for the tallest sunflower. When the seeds were distributed there was an extra seed which Sharon Boruk planted in Spencer`s garden. This chance planting grew to be the winner: a 10-foot sunflower with an 18 inch head. This year`s contest will be for the largest pumpkin.

Community Hall – The Hieberts donated a window which Jim Corman put into the community hall in place of the garage doors to give more light. Thanks Don and Freda for the window and Jim for the labor.
Fitness Training – Our community hall has excellent fitness equipment which our residents use as well as the walking trails to keep fit. Special thanks to Charlene Waterman our Recreation and Wellness Consultant for her continual support and advice on our fitness programs. She provides suggestions and assistance for programs and activities designed to keep our community members, especially seniors, more active.
Wild Food Gathering – There is interest in wild food gathering in our community. Last August there was an abundant wild pin cherry crop and some of the residents made pin cherry jelly.
Garbage and Recycling – Residents are reminded to keep the garbage area as tidy as possible. Recycling should be taken to the recycling depot at Snow Lake and garden waste should be composted. Good quality used items can be taken to the thrift store in Snow Lake where items are sold for funds for the hospital and other worthy causes. It is important to preserve the life span of our dump and not discard items that can be recycled.
Clean up of Area By the Dump – Thanks to Margaret and Bradley Spencer for picking up papers and plastic bags that were blown into the surrounding bushes near the dump. Residents are reminded to secure their garbage so it is less likely to blow in the wind. Thanks also to the seniors who pick up along the roadway when they walk, and thanks to everyone who helps keep our community free of litter.
Windup Potluck – Every fall the community holds an end-of-season potluck before the summer residents depart for the winter. This year the wine and ham were donated by the Butlers who were unable to attend. A gift was given to the Hieberts for their new home at The Pas.
New Residents – Evelyn and Kirk Dutka; David Morrison and Vicki Sarkijarvi; and Peter and Penny Roberts have cleared lots.
Glenn Spencer (1937-2011) – Our community lost Glenn Spencer, a long-time resident, on September 24th. He loved nature and enjoyed hunting, fishing and gardening. He is survived by his wife Margaret and sons Darwin, Bradley and Blaine plus grandchildren and great grandchildren. His presence will be missed in our community.
Gordon Cann (-2011) – Gordon Cann, passed away this year as well. He was a former Herb Lake resident who always came back to our community for our Pioneer Days. Cann’s Point on Wekusko Lake was named for his parents who had an early sawmill that provided lumber for Herb Lake in the 1920s – 1930s.
Herb Lake Graveyard Cairn – The abandoned Herb Lake Graveyard, which is located 16 km on the NE shore of Wekusko Lake, near the ghost town of Herb Lake, is the final resting place for some of the local pioneers. The graveyard was established in the 1930s when the Herb Lake gold mines were active. Most of the grave markers were simple wooden crosses which have now disintegrated. When the community failed in the 1950s the graveyard fell into disrepair and has now returned to wilderness.
We applied for a grant from the Heritage Program for funding to purchase a plaque remembering this abandoned graveyard. It will be set on a limestone base by the other two cairns at the Gathering Place. Neil Hemauer of Hemauer Funeral Home at The Pas will give us the plaque at cost and will do the script as a donation to the community. Since the graveyard is not easily accessible, friends and family are encouraged to meet at the Gathering Place to remember their loved ones. We have identified the following individuals who are buried in this graveyard:
Melina Paradis, January 7, 1930;
Raymond Ranville, December 31, 1930;
Norma Carriere, February 17, 1936;
Colin Rowe, 1938;
Norman Stoltz, Jan 5,1940;
Mertha Folster, January 26, 1940;
Anthony Skulmoski , July 2, 1940;
Mabel Ballard, June 26, 1944;
Maryleen Bartlett ; July 22, 1945;
Isabelle Geig , Jan 5, 1946;
Alexandre Chartrand, October 7, 1949;
Pte. Harry E. Roberts, April 29, 1951;
Roger Carriere, April 20, 1955;
Sarah Carriere;
Allen Eugene Bartlett, August 12, 1955;
Lionel Thivierge, 1955;
Jenny Thivierge;
Telephore Cote, January 21, 1956;
Joe Carriere ;
Sam Cluclatch;
Jimmy Roberts;
Kelly Roberts, 1935
Infant Carriere
Charlie Staback
Lillian Skulmoski ( Baby)
Cliff Olson
Isaac McKay 1919, buried by the school
If anyone has additional information on the burials in this graveyard please let us know.
Memorial Benches – People in the community enjoy walking along the roadway or on the beach path. Benches along the roadway or pathways are appreciated by people who need to rest or who want to enjoy the scenery. If anyone wants to make a donation to our community for a bench, we will put a brass plaque on the bench in recognition of the person who made the donation, or in memory of a loved one. Five memorial benches have already been purchased.
Donation of Vintage Mining Equipment –Western Specialties, who recently did the environmental cleanup at the Laguna and Bingo Mines at the ghost town of Herb Lake, donated the boiler and the cage from the Bingo Mine to the Snow Lake Mining Museum. Thanks to Ed Charrier, Foreman for saving these pieces of mining history.
Picnic Tables – We received a donation for the purchase of five folding plastic picnic tables to be used at the Gathering Place and this donation is much appreciated.
The Gathering Place Sign – Kevin Ills of The Pas donated a sign which reads: “The Gathering Place – Where Past and Present Meet”. This will be erected at the Gathering Place and is much appreciated.

Grass Cutting and Weed-Eating – Thanks to the McDougalls, for cutting grass along the subdivision roadway and for cutting weeds by the sign posts.
Courses/Workshops/Meetings – Jim Corman, our Contact Person, attended the Regional Meetings/Workshops in Thompson, and attended Workplace Safety and Health plus First Aid/CPR/AED courses. Hazel Corman also attended the regional workshops/training and attended the Northern Links Workshop, CPR/First Aid certification and Made in Manitoba.
Our Website – Our website provides information about our community and can be accessed at www.herblake.ca We are proud to share our community with the world. The cost of hosting the website is paid by the Northern Association of Community Councils (NACC) and we appreciate their assistance. Newsletters from previous years are on the site.
Historical Photos – We will be organizing a collection of historical photos from the area for our community hall. We hope to obtain a used computer to view digital copies of these old pictures. There is a facebook page for Herb Lake history with the ID herblake100.
Community Enhancement – We continue to strive to improve the appearance of our community and we encourage residents to maintain their properties and to clean up rubbish. We take pride in our community and if all residents do their part to maintain their properties, it enhances the appearance of the whole community.
Pioneer Days 2012 – We will celebrate Pioneer Days 3-5 August 2012 with the main events being held on Saturday and Sunday. Mark your calendar and plan to attend.
100th Anniversary Celebration – 2012 is our 95th anniversary and it is not too early to make plans for our 100th celebration. We welcome your ideas.
Volunteers – Our community functions because of the volunteers who are always willing to assist. Many of the volunteers are only in our community on a part-time basis and we appreciate the support they give us. Also, special thanks to all our friends who support our projects. "Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together."
Government – Our community is designated as a contact community, under Aboriginal and Northern Affairs (ANA), which means that we have a contact person who sees to the day-to-day business of the community, under the guidance of a Municipal Development Consultant from ANA. Contact communities are too small to have elected councils. ANA brings community leaders together for regional meetings and for training. ANA is aware of the uniqueness of each community and provides support that respects the needs of the individual communities. They schedule meetings and workshops with other community leaders for training and allow participants the opportunity to discuss individual needs and to help each other. ANA maintains all the funds of the community and pays all expenses out of the allotted budget.
In our community Jim Corman has been our contact person for over 30 years and the community appreciates the time and effort he puts in on our behalf. Beverly Shalachetka is our Municipal Development Consultant. Our community receives excellent guidance from Beverly Shalachetka and we value her leadership. Residents can contact Jim Corman with their concerns and suggestions.
Budget – ANA provides an annual budget for the operation of the community and all bills are submitted to them for payment. The operating budget is available to residents to review by contacting Jim Corman.
Grants – Hazel Corman volunteers her time to apply for grants from various government and private agencies to improve our community. Grants, when approved, usually only cover the cost of materials and labor is done by volunteers. When a grant is approved for a project, the funds are held in a trust fund under the direction of ANA. Usually we complete a project first and then submit the bills for reimbursement. We are fortunate that Jim Corman is experienced in preparing estimates. Dave Mayer of the Snow Lake Home Building Center works with us in providing costs for materials.
Hydro Wuskwatim Transmission Line Annual Funding
A grant was received again this year which is held in a separate trust account under ANA. We appreciate this funding.
Capital Projects - Our 2011 capital application for a tractor with attachments was approved and recommended for delivery in the 2013/14 fiscal year. The hydro funding has allowed us to contribute towards this tractor and we will request it earlier if possible.
The 2012/13 capital project is a maintenance building/garage 40x50 to hold the new tractor and other equipment and to allow work to be done to maintain equipment. In winter especially, it is difficult to work on equipment without a suitable building. The lot reservation for a garage has been approved at the end of Russells’ property. It is on high ground and minimal fill will be required. There will also be room to stockpile gravel.
Five Year Plan – The Capital Projects Board meets in September each year to review capital projects. Our five-year plan includes the following:
A Community Garage. It will be 40x50 feet with two bays.
A Road Upgrade. It is needed, especially along the lakeshore.
A Community Dock. This is needed in the event of a community evacuation because of a forest fire or other emergency. There is only one road into our community. In the summer of 2010 the community was on evacuation standby because of the potential for a forest fire in our area.
We look forward to continuing friendships, and hope that many of the property owners at Herb Lake Landing will return to enjoy the amenities of our community this summer.
Community: Contact Jim or Hazel Corman, phone: (204) 358-2314 email: hazelcorman "at" hotmail.com (with the usual symbol for "at"). Mailing Address: Herb Lake Landing Community, c/o Snow Lake MB ROB 1MO
Newsletter: This newsletter has been prepared by Hazel Corman and Linda Butler. If you wish to have your email address added or removed from our distribution list, please contact Linda at butlerg30 "at" hotmail.com with the usual symbol for "at"