Herb Lake Landing comes under the direction of Manitoba Aboriginal and Northern Affairs, and is represented by Jim Corman, the local contact person.
Jim Corman was honored for 30 years of service in 2008 by Robert Barbeau, Municipal Development Consultant of Manitoba Aboriginal and Northern Affairs. This special plaque recognized his hard work and dedication for many years. The residents of the community are pleased that Jim continued to serve their needs over this period of time and remains in this position.

Jim Corman
Photo: Linda Butler
VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR: Hazel Corman is the volunteer coordinator and has worked tirelessly for many years to bring improvements to the community. She was nationally recognized for her efforts when she received a Dreamcatcher award on October 21, 2010 in Hamilton, Ontario from The Dreamcatcher Charitable Foundation.

Hazel Corman
Photo: Linda Butler
Community Goals
1. provide a safe and healthy environment and wilderness/recreational opportunities for residents and visitors, with an emphasis on assisting seniors;
2. maintain good communication with residents; and
3. maintain the natural environment and do our best to keep the land, water, and air free of pollution and environmental damage.
Innovation flourishes, ideas grow and people prosper in Manitoba. At Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines (IEM), our mission is to help our citizens innovate, build capacity and prosper. We create strategic partnerships, encourage investment, provide tools for success, promote advanced knowledge, champion critical policy development, and reinforce wise use of Manitoba’s abundant resources.
Green Manitoba, a special operating agency of the Manitoba Government, is the access point to acquire information about provincial sustainability issues. The Agency delivers programs and services related to energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction, climate change action, sustainable transportation and education for sustainable development on behalf of government departments and various other clients.
Since June 2007, the Manitoba Climate Change Action Fund (MCCAF) has supported Manitoba Aboriginal and Northern Affairs’ Northern Healthy Foods Initiative (NHFI). Funding in the amount of $75,000.00 annually for a three-year period beginning in 2007 was approved to support the development of a broad range of food self-sufficiency projects in remote communities to effectively decrease dependence on air and land freight shipments of food, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Projects benefiting from this support include: northern greenhouses, composting and an energy efficient freezer program.
At Environment Canada, our business is protecting the environment, conserving the country's natural heritage, and providing weather and meteorological information to keep Canadians informed and safe. Environment Canada is building on its accomplishments with the environment through credible science, effective regulations and legislation, successful partnerships, and high-quality service delivery to Canadians. We support sound environmental decisions. We work to repair the damage of the past, to collect and pass on knowledge, and to develop, implement and enforce policies to prevent future issues. We also work to ensure that Canadians have a safe, clean and sustainable environment today, tomorrow and well into the future.
Environment Canada is a diverse organization where our programs, services, and people lead the way in implementing the Government of Canada's environmental agenda. We collaborate with our partners at home and abroad, to realize concrete progress on initiatives that will protect the health of our people and our planet.
Manitoba Conservation
Manitoba Conservation is responsible for stewardship of Manitoba’s environment, fisheries, forests, parks, water and wildlife. We are committed to delivering programs and services that preserve and protect our environment today, and for future generations. Manitoba is recognized as a world leader in taking action on climate change and preparing for a greener future. Check out Parks and Natural Areas and if you are a fisherman, Anglers' Guide (pdf)
Travel Manitoba
Check out Travel Manitoba if you plan to visit Manitoba. Information on family or couples vacations, arts and culture, food, outdoor adventure, fishing, hunting, festivals and events, accommodations and maps.
This highways map provides up-to-date info on road conditions throughout the province. Check it out before you travel. Zoom in for more details.
The vision of Manitoba Aboriginal and Northern Affairs is to improve the quality of life and opportunities for Manitoba's Aboriginal and northern people. Their mission is to create better services, opportunities and results for Manitoba's Aboriginal and northern people.
Their goals are to close the gap between Aboriginal and northern residents and other Manitobans in the quality of life, specifically in the areas of education, health, housing, economic opportunities and employment; to fulfill constitutional obligations and other provincial responsibilities to Aboriginal and northern communities;
create healthy, safe and successful northern communities,
and to encourage autonomous, accountable and sustainable Aboriginal and northern communities.
Check out the Weather Network for our area.

Wekusko Lake
Photo: Linda Butler